For Beginners
Have you started earning recently and want to start investing? Are you inquisitive about how the financial market works? Are you one of those who find it difficult to understand the world of personal investing? Please feel free to post any of your queries related to personal investment and we will answer it in plain, simple words without any jargon. You need not worry about the type of query or about the level of query. Even if you feel that it is a basic query – we will answer it. As they say – ‘the only bad question is an unasked one’. Some of the sample questions are below mentioned. Or ask any other questions that come to your mind. Please post your queries in the ‘Contact Us’ section and we will be happy to answer those.
- Where do I start?
- What are the various avenues available for investing my savings?
- Is my money secure?
- Can I double my money?
- What are bonds and shares?
- How does insurance product work?
- Why does the share market exist?
- Is it a cartel?
- Does it benefit only a limited number of people?
- How do I start benefiting from it?
- I have always lost money.
- Should one invest in insurance?
- What is the bond market?
- What are mutual funds?
- Or anything else.
The above is not an exhaustive list but only an illustrative list. Please post your queries in the ‘Contact Us’ section and we will be happy to answer those.